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7 Ways to Help Your Pet Lose Weight

May 2022 | Kevin Stauffer

7 Ways to Help Your Pet Lose Weight

Obesity in pets is a growing problem. Nearly 60% of cats and 54% of dogs equaling over 50 million cats and 42 million dogs are at risk for weight-related disorders. Are you paying attention to your pet's weight?

Pets, like humans, are becoming obese and it is causing health-related problems for them. Obesity can lead to type 2 diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, arthritis, some forms of cancer and other health problems. The best way for pet owners to help their pets stay healthy is to keep them at a healthy weight.

In recent years, pet obesity rates have skyrocketed. This is largely due to the fact that many people are unaware of the simple things they can do to help their pets lose weight, such as feeding them a healthy diet and exercising them regularly.

This is nothing to worry about. In this blog article, we will discuss the most important factors in weight loss for overweight pets so that you can shed off some of your pet's weight.


1. Pet Diets and exercise: the most important factors in weight loss.


The first factor is diet. It is crucial that you feed your pet a healthy diet rich in protein and fibre. Some good choices include lean meats, vegetables, and whole grains. For example, if you have an obese dog, avoid processed foods, sugary snacks, and table scraps as this can affect a dog's health quickly. Instead, opt for a protein-rich dog's diet so that they don't gain weight.

pet diet and exercise

The second factor is exercise. Pets need at least 30 minutes of exercise per day. If your pet is overweight, start with 5-10 minutes of exercise and gradually increase the amount over time. There are many ways to exercise your pet, such as walking, playing fetch, or swimming.  Don't forget to get health care pet supplies if your pet does have a medical condition.


2. Feed your pet the right food: A diet rich in protein and low in carbs can help.

There are a lot of misconceptions when it comes to what's the best diet for your pet. Some people think that their pets should only eat pet food, while others believe that they can just feed their pets whatever they're eating (basically human food).


The truth is, your pet needs a diet that's rich in protein and low in carbs to trim off the excess weight and excess calories. This will help keep them healthy and active. Look for a similar type of food that your pets like in a lower carbohydrate variety. You can mix both high protein and low carb raw foods to make your pet’s perfect meal.


3. Avoid feeding your pet table scraps: It's not good for their health or weight.

Table scraps are generally not good for pets because they are often high in fat and sodium. This can cause health issues and your pet can end up gaining weight. Additionally, feeding your pet table scraps can disrupt their regular diet and the extra calories can lead to digestive problems.

dog eating unhealthy table scraps

It's important to avoid giving your pet table scraps, and instead stick to their regular food schedule and diet. Instead, to keep things interesting, you can opt for some other healthy foods or a new diet that your pets might like and this will help them lose weight.


4. Make sure your pet gets enough exercise: Taking them on walks is a great way to help them lose weight.

Many people think that just because they have a pet, they don’t need to worry about getting enough exercise themselves. This, however, is not the case. Pets need plenty of exercise just like their owners do, and it’s important to make sure they get it.

pet exercise benefits

One easy way to do this is by taking them for walks. Walks are great exercise for both pets and owners, and they’re also a great way to get out and explore your neighborhood or the local park. Simple walking can help them lose weight. So be sure to take your pet for regular walks and help them stay healthy!

5. Ensure that you are feeding them vital veggies: It is super important for losing weight!

You can feed your pets baby carrots, celery, broccoli, green beans, sliced apples, cucumbers, bananas, etc. These are super nutritious and delicious with fewer calories and more health benefits. If your pets add these to their eating habits, this will help them lose weight and stay healthy.

veggies are good for pets

To encourage them to eat this, you can sit with your pets and eat these vital veggies alongside them. This will prompt your pet to follow suit and be healthier for both of you.

6. Provide freshwater to help with the weight loss program

By providing your pet with enough freshwater, you can help them lose weight and improve their overall health. Pets that are overweight are at risk for developing a variety of health problems, including heart disease, joint pain, and diabetes.

When you give them fresh water, it will help them to lose weight safely and effectively.  Pet supplies such as an automatic water drinking fountain may help encourage more drinking for losing weight.

7. Give good treats to your pets to keep them happy

Giving treats is a good option to keep your pets happy and motivated to exercise to lose weight. But you should avoid junk treats with more calories as they are full of fat and sugar which will only contribute to your pet’s waistline.

Choose no-sugar and low calorie treats that are healthy such as salmon, blueberry bites, sweet potato, and so on. Whenever you give these goodies to your pets, make sure to count how many calories you are feeding. Keep calorie intake limited so that your pet doesn’t gain a few pounds from treats.


Time to Shred Off Your Pet's Excess Pounds!

Now that you know how to help pets lose weight, follow these tips and your pet will be on the road to a healthy weight in no time! Just as weight gain happens slowly, weight loss takes time as well. Also, make sure to check the ideal body weight for your pet and then work on achieving it.

A cat can safely lose about 0.5 to 2% of its body weight each week, and a dog can safely lose about 1 to 2% of its body weight each week. That means that a 100 lb dog can safely lose 1 – 2 lb per week, or a 20lb cat 2 – 6 oz per week. It is now time to execute the weight loss program!

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